Veterinary Services

Animals with abscesses become depressed and may tend to hide in inconspicuous places. Occasionally abscesses may rupture prior to the onset of any other signs. Abscesses of the anal glands are common and can be mistaken for rectal bleeding if they rupture. They may cause the pet to “scoot” the rectal area on the ground. Tooth root abscesses typically form just below the eye, and start as a bump or swelling. They may break open and bleed, and the pet may stop eating due to the pain or experience pain upon chewing.
Small, uncomplicated abscesses may respond to medical therapy, while larger and more extensive abscesses may require surgical treatment.
Tooth root abscesses require tooth extraction – antibiotics alone will only lead to a temporary solution, but the abscess will recur unless the affected tooth is pulled. This surgery requires general anesthesia.