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Veterinary Services


Limping, also known as favoring a leg or walking with an abnormal gait, is a condition characterized by difficulty or discomfort in walking or moving.


Limping can occur due to various reasons, including injuries, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological problems, or systemic diseases.

Sprains, strains, fractures, or dislocations in the bones, muscles, tendons, or ligaments can lead to limping. Trauma from accidents falls, or sports-related activities are common causes.

Conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout can cause joint inflammation and pain, leading to limping.

Strained or torn muscles, tendinitis, or tendon ruptures can result in limping.

Issues like plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tissue connecting the heel to the toes), Achilles tendonitis, or heel spurs can cause limping.

Conditions such as sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, or nerve compression can lead to weakness or numbness in the leg, causing limping.

Certain congenital or acquired structural abnormalities, such as leg length discrepancy or hip dysplasia, can result in an uneven gait and limping.

Some systemic conditions like Lyme disease, lupus, or certain types of cancers can cause symptoms that include limping.