Veterinary Services
Fracture Assessment

Fracture Assessment
If your pet is showing signs of limping or refusing to put weight on a specific limb, it could indicate a possible fracture. It’s important to note that other conditions can also cause limping, so a proper evaluation is necessary.
Look for any swelling, bruising, or noticeable deformity in the affected area. Fractures can result in visible changes in the shape or alignment of the bone.
Be cautious when touching or manipulating the injured area, as your pet may experience pain. If your pet reacts strongly or shows signs of discomfort when the area is touched or moved, it suggests a potential fracture.
Contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to schedule an examination. They will perform a comprehensive evaluation, which may include physical palpation, X-rays, or other diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of a fracture, assess its severity, and determine the appropriate treatment.